水务大学校友会 Board
- 7月25日
- 9月19日
- 11月21日
- 1月16日
- 3月19日
- 5月21日
Meetings are held at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom, unless announced otherwise.
The next regularly scheduled business meeting:
同学会 Weekend 2024
校友会 商务会议
4月26日星期五 2024, 12:30 pm
Alaska Room in Kellogg Hall, 沃拉沃拉大学
Board Member Roster 2022-2023
当选总统每年选举一次,任期三年,其中一年为当选总统, 担任总统一年, then one year as the board chair. The board secretary and treasurer will serve staggered two-year terms. All other members will serve three-year terms.
条件:2021 - 2024
Jerry Woods ’97 graduated from 沃拉沃拉大学 with a B.A. 在大众传播中. 在校期间,他在积极生活电台工作,在那里他继续做周末节目. 他全身心地投入到媒体中,这让他进入了爱达荷州的基督教广播电台, 北卡罗莱纳, 和华盛顿特区.C. 在D.C.他目前担任WGTS 91的早间主持人和推广总监.9 reaching close to 600,000 people weekly. He is married to Crystal and they have two daughters, 阿迪琳和玛雅, who look forward to attending WWU one day.
条件:2022 - 2025
Lisa Jervey Lennox earned a BA degree in English. 毕业后,她在教务处工作,教授大学写作. 在获得西华盛顿大学英语硕士学位之前,她在大波士顿学院教了一年书. She returned to WW as Assist. TLC主任, 监督写作中心,并为残疾学生制定一项特殊服务计划. For the past twenty years, she and her husband David have worked for Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Lisa是校友事务志愿活动的助理主任. 在WWU难忘的经历包括在做Collegian的时候结下终生的友谊, becoming a reader’s theater pro under the tutelage of Donnie Rigby, 并成为无数善良行为的接受者,亲爱的WWU教职员工, 丽莎说, 教会她成为一个批判性的思考者,同时展示如何成为一个亲切和慷慨的人. She and David have two daughters, Sarah and Hannah, who are in their 20s. 在她空闲的时候, 丽莎喜欢阅读, 园艺, sharing her floral arrangements with others, 和旅行.
条件:2023 - 2026
布拉德·布朗于1998年毕业,获得神学学士学位,并在华盛顿和蒙大拿会议中担任了14年的牧师. He later graduated from Andrews University with a Doctorate in Ministry. 2012年,他接受了Adventist 健康 Feather River Hospital In Paradise的使命和精神关怀主任的职位, 加州. Brad married Melea Spencer (class of 97’) and they had two children. Unfortunately Melea passed in 2018 after a 6 year battle with cancer. 五个月后,天堂镇经历了加州历史上最严重的野火. 布拉德因在“篝火”期间拯救病人和社区的努力而被《网上博彩澳门银河》杂志评为2018年度英雄. 布拉德一直留在天堂社区,以支持重建工作,并完成抚养他的孩子,他们现在都在沃拉沃拉大学上学. 杰伦是电气工程专业的大三学生,艾莉娜是口腔卫生预科专业的大一学生. Brad enjoys dirt biking, fly fishing 和旅行.
条件:2022 - 2024
吉米·约翰逊毕业于工商管理理学学士学位,主修会计. 吉米在过去的20年里一直担任上哥伦比亚会议的助理财务主管和公司财务主管. 他和黛比结婚了,他们有三个孩子:克洛伊(WWU的大四学生), Tori (freshman at UCA) and Jack (6th grade). Jimmy enjoys vocal performance, water skiing, camping, and reading.
条件:2021 - 2023
劳雷尔·罗杰斯(Laurel Rogers)在WWU的四年里非常享受,并获得了英语和语言交流专业的学士学位. She also has a master’s degree in writing from Portland State University. 劳雷尔对清晰沟通的热情促使她希望通过服务让校友充分了解董事会的活动.
条件:2022 - 2025
丹妮尔·克雷格是世界自然大学荣誉通识课程的一名自豪的毕业生. She obtained a bachelor’s degree of biology, after she received her doctorate in medicine from Loma Linda University. 目前,她正在石溪大学攻读预防医学专业,同时获得公共卫生硕士学位. Engaging with medical student education, participating in cancer research, creating community awareness of preventive medicine. 她热衷于生活方式教育、全球健康、癌症研究和灾难准备. She currently resides in Long Island, NY.
条件:2021 - 2024
克雷格·卡明斯94年毕业于沃拉沃拉大学,获得工商管理文学学士学位,辅修航空专业. 在大学担任飞行教官后,他继续在西雅图地区指导和飞行交通监视,随后在梅萨航空公司工作了四年. 克雷格于2001年被聘为阿拉斯加航空公司的飞行员,目前他在西雅图担任737机长. He has enjoyed serving in his local church as a youth leader, deacon and elder and his hobbies include airplanes, 家庭改善项目和参加两个孩子的体育活动(在covid - 19之前). 作为一个高中生和一个八年级学生的父亲,他期待着在接下来的八年里参与WWU.
Loren Dickinson (faculty alumnus 1962-2000)
条件:2023 - 2026
"I'm an implant--not born here nor schooled here. 网上博彩澳门银河一家四口在60年代初从马里兰州的塔科马公园被抛弃. Carolyn took a job in the accounting office; I managed KGTS and taught communications courses. My aspirations were simple: Seek the appropriate education available, and work to be a credible instructor. I'll support notions reasonable and timely. I'll oppose those not useful or untimely. In that process I'll listen to your views as you offer them."
Joy Veverka '04
条件:2023 - 2026
Joy Brunt Veverka '04 earned a master’s degree in curriculum. 她在圣地亚哥学院开始了她的教学生涯,在那里她教了将近12年. Later she taught for 12 years in the Oregon Conference, and finally for 19 years at Rogers Adventist School. 在罗杰斯大学的十多年里,她为WWU教授教育课程. 其他的职业经验包括作为俄勒冈州海岸养老院的共同所有人,在那里她担任住宿护理部分的管理员和审计员. Her three children, Donny, Deanna, and James are WWU alumni. 她喜欢与他们和他们的家人共度时光,包括六个孙子孙女.
条件:2021 - 2024
特蕾莎·威尔肯斯81年毕业,获得工商管理学士学位. 她和她的丈夫, 卡尔·威尔肯斯,81年, headed as missionaries to Africa shortly after receiving their degrees, serving a total of 12 years in Zimbabwe, 赞比亚和卢旺达. 1996年秋天, 卡尔和特蕾莎带着他们的三个孩子(他们后来也毕业于WWU)搬到了米洛复临学院. 在接下来的11年里,特蕾莎先是担任校长的行政助理,后来担任学校的会计. In 2008, 卡尔和特蕾莎创立了一个教育非营利组织,以支持全球大屠杀/种族灭绝教育工作者. 特蕾莎修女 & 卡尔目前居住在斯波坎,特蕾莎在那里担任上哥伦比亚会议办公室的兼职接待员. Along with a life-long love for playing the piano, and the many amazing travel opportunities with Carl, 特蕾莎修女 also is loving her latest adventure, which began in Dec 2020 when her first grandchild was born!
VP for Marketing and Enrollment Services
Claudia Santellano ‘14
校友 and Parent Relations Director